Last month, I decided to try it. I started making some videos. And holy cow. It was nothing like starting a new Instagram brand, a new Facebook page, or a new Twitter account. Here are the things that surprised me a bit about authors on TikTok.
Category: Life
ADHD mom life is a thing
I was diagnosed in my late 20s. But it’s taken me another decade to figure out what it actually means to have ADHD. This is what ADHD looks like for me as a 37 year old mom.
Know your purpose. Trust your purpose. Screw expectations. Even your own. Let them evolve along with you. Timelines are made up and your journey is not going to look like you thought it should.
A look back at March 2020
Surreal was the word everybody seemed to use. Every time I looked at my phone there was another email or text message. No doctor appointments. School is closed until further notice. No libraries or swim lessons. Church is virtual. Until further notice.
The Big Lie
I’m Allie. I am 37. I never had any idea what I was really going to do. But I always knew that it would involve words or music or art. Little girls aren’t allowed to say things like that, though. “What’s your plan B?” “What’s your real job?” Here is a thing I know. There…
striving for honesty with poetry and prisonbreaks
Yesterday I announced that my first book, prisonbreaks, would be released at the end of the month. It is terrifying and exciting and all the things. I don’t know what to expect. I don’t know what I’m doing. This year has been a journey. There has been a lot of beauty and growth in the…
When a washed up protester takes to the streets again
Today, I attended my first protest in about 7 years. Most of my 20s were dedicated to politics — a vague term that means I lived in DC and fought against the Powers That Be any way I knew how. I protested. I rallied. I campaigned. I made signs and wore shirts. I wrote a lot about…
The hardest step to take
Some days I just feel like I’m wandering aimlessly through my life without offering anything of substance. For all of the lip service we pay to the importance of being a mother, we sure are good at making moms feel like they need to be doing something else with their lives. And yes, I believe…
You’re writing your own story. Right now.
Stories. We live and die by them. They shape the way we view people and the way we view the world around us. Everyone has their own plot line, their own villains and their own heroes. We can’t help but view the events of our world in the context of our own stories. If you’re…